TGP#47 Integrating Videos To Your Business Plan Using Your Authentic Voice With Video Presence Coach, Kellsie Moore

GPA 47 | Video Presence

Video has been steadily rising as a great marketing tool, especially in the time of social media. It has proven to be especially massive for engagement and providing value for people to get to know you and connect with you or your brand more. In this episode, Aaron Civitarese invites someone who has deep wisdom around this area who can help—because let’s be honest, being in front of the camera is definitely not for everybody. Guiding you to be natural on camera and produce the results you want, he sits down with Video Presence Coach, Kellsie Moore. Here, Kellsei gives some great tips on presenting on video—from the physical set-up with lighting and appearance down to the inner work of owning your narrative, speaking your truth, and being who you are. Integrate your video into your business plan the best way you can. Join Kellsie as she helps you do that in a way that is authentic, powerful, and doing what you are meant to.

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Integrating Videos To Your Business Plan Using Your Authentic Voice With Video Presence Coach, Kellsie Moore

I’m here with my guest, Kellsie Moore. She’s a video presence coach. She’s been featured on Yahoo, Thrive Global, Medium and USA Today. Kellsie, welcome to the show. I’m happy to have you here.

Thanks. I’m happy to be here.

I’m excited to chat with you because video is massive for engagement, for providing value and for people to get to know you. I’m going to let you talk all about that. Before we get into all that, can you tell us a little bit about you? Who is Kellsie? Where are you from? A little bit of your background please.

My journey started in an old tuberculosis hospital in a correctional facility. It is that dramatic type of tale. I was working as a case manager in a correctional facility after college. It was the first job I took. I started off as a teacher in that. Eventually, I took on the position of a case manager, which runs the lives of about 25 adult male felons. It was a fascinating position. I like to think that I did some good and made a difference. I tried and it completely depleted me. I became very depressed, angry, and cynical. I had the wherewithal to realize what was happening. I started to make decisions to change my life and not stay and continue to go down that angry path, which a lot of people do and it resulted in some horrifying results as we all know anything inside that field.

There was one night where I had a client who some clerical error happened down at the front desk. It was something very easily fixable that we could remedy, but clerical errors in that field are extremely important. They can be very detrimental. You have to see them, catch them, recognize it and fix it. He was a client who had a huge anger problem. He had been released after 25 years of prison for murder. He’s a very high tempered guy. He storms into my office at 9:00 at night. There’s rain coming in through my window in this old dingy building that used to be the tuberculosis hospital. It was pretty much as dramatic as you can picture it. He started screaming all of the anger at me. I was 22 and feeling it in a way where I was like, “This job sucks. I don’t like this. Why did I choose this? Why am I here doing this? I don’t want them 40 years of my life to be this.”

All of that is happening while he’s screaming at me. I didn’t know how this was going to go. I’m trying all the techniques I know of de-escalation, calm voice and calming the situation. I’m reaching for a pair of scissors. I don’t know. We’re able to calm the situation down. I had a coworker walk by in that moment and remove him from my office and we fixed all the errors. Everything was fine, but it was such a click moment for me. We have a lot of those throughout our lives and that triggered the series over the next five years of what do I want for my life? What makes me happy? What are the things that I’m interested in?

I start leaning into that. I start going towards the stuff that makes me excited and happy. That’s the future I want to create. I started writing down a list and one of those things was acting. I loved acting as a kid. I love film and movies, the brilliant storytelling, and the magic that can come through it. I loved the transformation and life-changing experiences we can have through films, through good storytelling, through sharing our actual essence, our journeys and what we’ve been through in an authentic and powerful way on camera.

Working on building and serving your clients in video is no longer optional. It’s imperative.

Two weeks after that incident, I googled auditions in Colorado in super tertiary market. I went to an indie film audition and I booked the liberal. From that moment on, I was like, “This is going to be part of my life and future.” I’m now representing multiple regions and dozens of indie films, commercials, industrials and all these things. Over that five years, I’m learning online marketing. It’s a freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. The struggle is massive but the possibility is endless.

When you’re building that fortitude, and have that massive reason why, and some bigger passion and purpose behind it, and you know that you can help other people in some way, it’s transformative. While I was learning everything about acting, I was learning everything about being an entrepreneur, building a digital business, I was diving into personal development. It changed and saved my life. It changed the game for me. I had never heard of mindfulness or meditation before, being aware of our thoughts. Instead of thinking we are our thoughts, it’s taking that time to step outside and realize we are the thinker. We’re the soul behind it.

Finally, about a few years ago is when those three circles of what made up the most of how I spend my time and my passions merged together. I was like, “I can help other entrepreneurs going through this journey become great, authentic, brilliant and powerful on camera to get their message across in a way that’s going to help them feel free and share their story of what they’ve been through in a powerful way.” We’re going to found it. Foundation is going to be built upon personal development in the way of if you believe in yourself and you believe in your message, and you are intentionally creating and designing the future that you want, all of the business stuff is going to become so much easier.

You touched on many amazing pieces there. Everything from how you broke away from what you were doing all the way to this last piece. That’s where the heavy value lies, people finding their voice and things like this. Before we get into that stuff, let’s backtrack slightly if you would. Leaving your job is a big thing. I know my audience, myself and you have all been through this moment in time when you were like, “This is not for me. I need to do something else. I need to do something more fulfilling. I need to follow my passions, my dreams. I want to do something else.” Whatever that something is, we don’t know because everybody is different.

In that moment you had that gentleman come into your office, screaming at you and then you went home that night, that’s when the heavy decision making starts. When you’re alone with your thoughts and you’re like, “How am I going to do that? What am I going to do?” If you can think back to when you were transitioning from that to going to your first acting job, and then moving forward. In that transitional time, you said you went deep into personal development and that’s when you started probably awakening yourself and your super powers.

Talk to us a little bit about some of the struggles or some of the resistance that you found yourself in. You’re possibly sabotaging yourself in these situations because as we grow, we always want to sabotage ourselves and bring us back to safety. That job was safe for you. You made money, you knew what you were doing, and you know your role. As you were growing and expanding, do you recall any resistance coming in or anything trying to stop you? How did you smash through that and push onto the other side, and become who you are?

There are huge amounts of resistance every single step. The way I’ve described it a few times is it’s like we quit on our dreams and on ourselves many times. You have to find the cosmic part of you that is so much more than our known human fears. Click into that and believe in yourself one more time after the last time you quit, because that resistance is a hard wall that each new little step outside our comfort zone, each new little growth level is like you smack right into it. That night particularly stands out as such a pivotal night because I had plenty of nights that were dramatic like that, that are much more extreme things than somebody yelling at me. I had a razor blade thrown at me one time and all this other stuff. This stood out because I sat in my office after that for an hour. I started writing down a physical list of things that made me happy.

GPA 47 | Video Presence
Video Presence: Through brilliant storytelling in films, there is magic that can come through. There are transformation and life-changing experiences.

I started googling how to make this real. It was that little action of writing it down and starting to look it up that made it real. I’m like, “Do I have a choice? I have more power in my life than I’m letting myself be aware of.” Often, we do the things that we think we’re supposed to and we should on ourselves and our lives. I was like, “This made sense at the time for the path that I was on. Therefore, does it always have to be this way? No, it doesn’t always have to be that way.” There have been many times where I’ve been sitting in the complete unknown and terror.

I remember even at one point, I took a screenshot of my bank accounts where I have $7 in my bank account. I was like, “What the fuck am I doing? This is hard.” There would be months when it’s choosing between which bills we pay. I’m taking my husband on this journey with me where he’s like, “This is tough.” Having somebody with unfailing belief in me is a miracle. That’s the magic of love. Not that we haven’t had our struggles working through that together. We’ve had times where it’s been very challenging and that’s something that we have to work through. It all comes from allowing yourself to sit in the unknown, the uncertainty and tapping into that belief where it’s like, this drive, this journey, these particular things that have happened are for me. This has been put into my path for a reason. I’m given this desire for a reason.

It’s not just to taunt me and mess with me. This is here for a purpose. The more that I lean into unfolding and revealing that purpose, that’s how I get to each next little step, that next little tiny action step to take. It’s a trudging feeling at times and then something clicks, and you’ll have that feeling like, “Finally, something is a little bit easier,” and then you hit the next wall. It’s okay because then you chip away at it again and you sit in that discomfort and you figure out, “Why is this happening? What are the things that are uncomfortable here? What can I do about it? How can I reframe this? How can I look at this in a different way to see how can I move through this?” Feel it, acknowledge it, take action on it is the only way that I know how to move through stuff.

You give me goosebumps. Anytime someone talks authentically about following their path and understanding that life is given to you to learn from and to grow with. It’s not as a challenge to stop you, but a challenge to see if you’re ready to step up or not. That’s as an opportunity.

This is the thing that you’ve been asking for. In order to be able to receive that, understand that you must go through this part of the journey to be able to get there, and to be able to handle it when you’re there. One of the more known ways of seeing this is where we see people especially with a lottery or with sports or something, where they get all of this money like millions and then they lose it all. Sometimes there’s a glitch in the matrix where you skip over maybe some of the learning curves, or that was one of the learning steps for them to rebuild it then. Everyone’s journey and path are going to look a little bit different, but we’re all going to have those big boulders and milestones to work through and that are going to feel hard. Sometimes, excruciatingly painful. If it’s on that path where it connects to your vision, purpose and it’s like, “This is my soulful drive,” then those challenges and obstacles are for us. We have to work through them to be able to handle what’s on the other side.

It’s important for myself and the audience to understand how you get to where you are because if you look at you, your Instagram, your business model and everything you’re doing, you’re amazing. You’re all over the place. You’re doing very well and it’s like, “She’s doing awesome.” It’s important to understand that everybody’s human and everybody goes through struggles to get to where they are and it’s an ever-evolving journey. It never stops. The problems and the difficulties get bigger. As you grow, your challenges become more because you can take on more.

That’s why I love to get this from you before we get into the business because I want to give context to the success. I want people to understand that they can do it too. Everybody can do it if you put your mind to it and you have a dream. As one of my mentors says, “If your dream is bigger than your excuses, you can do these things and you will face struggles.” I’m loving hearing that you have your husband behind you. I have my wife behind me. She supports me on everything I do. No matter how crazy and ridiculous it sounds. She’s like, “Yes, that sounds good. Go for it.”

The more that you glow, the more other people cannot touch you.

When you were going through all of this and you were breaking through, and you were diving deep into personal development and things like that, as far as the personal development journey goes, maybe for those readers out there who are newer to the journey, if you can recall your all-time favorites books, resources, mentors, gurus or people that you follow or like, is there any one in particular that made a big impact on you that you’d like to share with us?

The very first online course I built, which I now often share as a bonus, I knew the tech and everything in the beginning is terrible and all the things but the content. I made a personal development course. It was the compilation of hundreds of videos, books and podcasts. These were the pieces that’s stuck with me. I was like, “I’ll put all of this here and speaking through this to reach you where you’re at. I remember exactly what it felt like on each one of these phases to be like, ‘That seems crazy. That doesn’t make any sense. This feels super weird. I get it now.’” Those different transitions. There were hundreds of influences with that, but a couple of things, one Albert Einstein quote and then I’ll share a couple of thought leader. This is maybe my favorite quote, “Your imagination is your preview to life’s coming attractions.”

It sums up so much of the truth. However big your vision and imagination are, that expands what’s available to you. That’s where your opportunities come from is by you are being able to open up that expansion to be willing to see it. That was one of those quotes where it was like, when that sunk in, I was like, “My imagination is big. I have a lot of ideas in there, let’s go do this.” I feel like tiny or small. I’m on level 2 out of 100. There’s so much I want to do. Each one of those steps that gets me to go to there, I get impatient in all of these things. I want to sprint, but it’s mountain. You can’t sprint up a mountain. You get tired and you sit down for a bit.

One of the first voices that resonated with me, a thought leader in personal development and manifestation particularly is Kathrin Zenkina, Manifestation Babe. She had a way of tying in the extreme spirituality with a luxurious lifestyle, with travel, with business, with money in a way. It was relating the being that we are, but seeing that we’re in a physical body. Because we’re in this physical plane, we are meant to experience the delights, the fun things that we want, the luxuries that we’re interested in. Those are given to us for a reason. She merged it in such a way that helped me hear it for the first time. She would be someone that I’ve leaned on a ton.

Let’s talk a little bit about your business model, everything you’re doing and how you’re serving your clients. Talk to us a bit about how you discovered your business direction. What’s it all about?

I’m a video presence coach for entrepreneurs. I know the entrepreneurial struggle. I know exactly what that feels like and all the pieces that you’re working on building and serving your clients. Video is no longer optional. It’s imperative. The millions of people that are online that are working on getting clients on the internet that are wanting to build a brand or online where it’s visual, you have to use video. It’s a must. It’s imperative. That’s the best way for people to read your energy and be able to sink in your message and what you offer faster than anything else. It builds know, like and trust faster than anything else. Even if somebody is watching your video on silent and you have the subtitles scrolling across the bottom, they can still experience and feel your energy through that.

They’re watching you through the lens and seeing how genuine you are by the way that your eyes light up, your voice inflection, and your hands move. All of these different things give cues to the audience, the receiver if they’re a good match for you. Sometimes they are going to watch a video and be like, “That was polarizing. They never smiled or they smiled too much.” It’s good that there’s polarity. It helps us shape who our audience is. Being in front of a camera isn’t an innately natural thing for humans to be like, “I’m going to share all of my true, authentic essence and energy to that little glass and metal box. This pinhole robot, it’s an inanimate object.” It’s not a natural thing. We can take selfie pictures but it’s like, “Now, you can speak your business message, speak to your ideal client, share your sole purpose and the things that you love, and share it in a completely authentic way with your energy and essence.” People are like, “No, thank you.”

GPA 47 | Video Presence
Video Presence: If you believe in yourself and your message and are intentionally creating and designing the future you want, all of the business stuff will become easier.

When I came into the online space about a few years ago, I always think about my mentors. I always give them credit all the time because I love them and they helped me so much in many different ways. One of my mento

rs told me, “When you expose your naked soul and you’re speaking your authentic truth, people can feel it vibrationally.” I’m like, “Of course, they can. It makes sense.” We’re big fans of quantum physics and all these things as you are as well. You go down that road and like attracts like. If I’m being authentic and true, they’re going to feel it and they’re going to intuitively know that this is me. This is what I’m doing here, no mask.

He was like, “If you can remove the mask because everyone has a mask on. You go to one event and you act a certain way. You go somewhere else, you act a certain way. You around certain people, you talk a certain way.” The more authentic you can be all the time, the better. This is my perspective. Let me know what you think. When it comes to video, a lot of people talk fast. We’re not going to get into that stuff. This is what I did, I talked fast and I was saying what I thought they needed to hear, but I wasn’t expressing my feelings. I wasn’t getting deeper into what I’m feeling about the subject. I then transitioned full-time online. I made a video talking about my transition and how I was so happy.

I had just gotten out of a meditation in the morning. I was at my wife’s house in Russia. I woke up in the morning. I had a very nice meditation and it was a deep gratitude meditation like an hour and a half. I went hardcore on it and I was so deep. I had tears coming out of my eyes and I was meditating going hard. I came out of it and I was like, “I feel good right now. I’m going to make a live video right now and talk about my experience.” I did. I went on Facebook live and I was like, “I did a gratitude meditation and I’m feeling good. My mentor told me to remove my mask and I’m not wearing a damn mask anymore. Fuck the mask. I’m being myself.” I went like that and I started blabbering. That was, without a doubt still to this day, no questions asked, the most viral, powerful video I’ve ever made. It has the most views, the most comments, people reach out to me and DM about it. They’re like, “I saw your video about the mask in Russia. You inspired me for this and that.” They’re connecting to the emotion that I was authentically projecting at that moment. Can you explain to me from your perspective, what was going on there?

People are reading and feeling your energy. I tell my clients, “You need to show up in the energetic way that you want your audience to feel.” You’re there to help serve them. It’s not about you and your insecurities and the doubts that you’re feeling about, “Did I do this right? Did I say this right? How do I look? How do I sound?” It’s about showing up in the way that you want your audience to feel. When you can match that energetic level, that is powerful. That’s what makes great actors. That’s what makes great entrepreneurs visually on camera. I don’t want you to show up and be a news anchor version of yourself where you’re stiff. I don’t want you to be the host where you’re like, “Let me take you on this tour and walk you through the seat.”

I want you to be you. I do understand a caveat of you are going to have different hats or different roles that you step into. When you’re running your business, you are in the CEO role. You have to have this foundation. Show up with your vulnerabilities and with the challenges, and talk about those. Talk about the stuff that’s hard because that’s going to be authoritative. That demonstrates you’ve been through stuff. It’s going to build rapport that’s relatable and all of those things. It’s not dismissing that by any means, but you’re stepping into that role of yourself as the CEO where I have created this position. I’ve earned this. I’ve built this so I can show up and back myself.

It’s building in that self-trust and backing yourself so that you show up not as the insecure version of you who’s like, “How do I look on camera? Did I do things right?” That’s constantly second guessing. It’s like, “I am the leader of this company, of this business that I’m creating and I’m here to share this message that is crucially important to my authentic self with you. I’m going to speak in a powerful way so that you can receive it.” You’re not 100% of time going to be living in that space.

When you’re snuggling on the couch with your spouse and your puppy, you’re going to be a more chill version of you. If you’re out at drinks or something with some friends versus at a networking event, you’re stepping into these different roles of yourself. What needs to happen is that authentic orientation where you are you no matter what. It’s maybe a different energy output, a different energetic exchange when you’re at a business meeting or something versus visiting your grandma. She doesn’t necessarily need the CEO version of you. You do need to step into that CEO role of who it is that you truly are when you’re in front of the camera.

Speak your truth, but speak your story.

That was deep but there are some complexities there. Talk to us a little bit about someone who’s like, “This sounds awesome. I need to be on video more. My company is doing well and everything, but I want to be out there more. I want to be the face.” Maybe there’s a new entrepreneur or a new coach or a new affiliate marketer or something like this. They’re like, “ I should be leveraging video. Why aren’t I? What can I do?” What would you tell someone how to get started on getting on video? What are some of the initial steps someone should take? What should they be thinking about?

There’s the basics like the light, framing, sound and camera. You don’t want to be completely centered. If you’re watching my video, you can see my head is in the little middle square. That looks weird because there’s all this weird space above. You want to fill the frame. You want the light to be in front of you so we can see your face. We don’t want light behind you, unless you’re in your parent’s house. You can’t help that. They should be able to see you and hear you. You have to be at the center focal point. Those are basics of the technicals where sometimes people will convince themselves that they’re stuck on that and they’re like, “I don’t know what to do.” It’s like light in front of you. We need to see and hear you, and not have stuff that’s too distracting in the background.

This is my little office area. The paintings that I have behind me demonstrate my personality and my brand. It’s all very artsy. That’s on brand for me. It’s a little distracting, but it’s also okay. We’ve got gold filigree and a couple of images. That’s all my personality. It supports my brand. You don’t want to have stuff where it’s like, “Can I see your dirty laundry in the back? I’m distracted by your bookshelf and read the titles of all the books that are on it.” Have that mindfulness and awareness of it. Those are some of the external things to be paid attention to. It’s the internal stuff that matters. This is where you need to learn the foundation of personal development. You were learning to back yourself to know that you trust yourself enough, to know that no matter what those fears and insecurities that come up, that you are not stuck.

You’re convincing yourself that you’re stuck because you haven’t chosen to believe in yourself enough yet to make it worth it, to hit record and hit publish. You’ve got to do the inner work. There are two big things that are different about me than other people that teach this. There are not a lot of video presence coaches, but it’s a skill every single person needs. In 2020, things are changing so much where it’s crucial. It’s going to continue to expand. There are two things. One is that personal development. You have to do the inner work. When we talk about fear inside my course or with my one-on-one clients, we start to dig into questioning, “Why is that fear there? Where did it come from?” We don’t have to do a whole therapy session on figuring out what happened when you were a kid.

We can ask some of those questions because it can make it easier to dismantle it. Asking yourself, is this fear true? Is it empirically true? If it’s not, then let’s reward it. Let’s reframe it. Let’s rephrase how does that work experiencing, relating and attaching meaning to this fear? If it is empirically true, then is it worth it to sacrifice your growth and your dreams for this truth of this fear? It’s usually not. It’s usually something like, “My ex will see this video. That’s a real thing and I’m afraid of that.” It’s like, “Is your ex your ideal client?”

It comes up a lot. It’s one of those where when you’re starting to grow that presence online and you’re like, “This person is going to see me.” It took me maybe two years before I used my real name online. I was terrified of being seen. One of the first DMs I got with some guy saying he knew where I lived and was going to come over. They’re creepy. The more that you glow and you speak to the soul of your ideal audience and clients, the people that you are like, “My soul sees your soul. We are meant to work together. I can help lift you up.” Those people, the more that you glow, the more the other people cannot touch you. You are going to put out those energetic streams and resonate strongly with those people that you are speaking to. They’re going to fill your space. The other people are just going to fall off. It becomes powerful and so much bigger and more important than what some of those little fears, insecurities and doubts are.

One saying that comes to mind that popped into my head when you were saying that, and this was pretty huge for me when I heard it, all you readers out there, open up because this is a big one for me and it also helps you with your audience niching down your avatar. It’s something along the lines of, “If you’re willing to define yourself, no one can judge you.” When I heard that I know it’s good, you’ve done it. You’ve defined you. “You can’t judge me. I’m telling you right now what I am. I’m a podcast host who had some business problems. I’m now doing this and I’m doing that, and that’s what I’m doing. You can’t judge me because I’m telling you.” It’s that. It gives you power and that’s a true, authentic vibe that’s coming through because you’re speaking true and you’re standing in it.

GPA 47 | Video Presence
Video Presence: You have to find the cosmic part of yourself that is so much more than our known human fears. Click into that to believe in yourself one more time after the last time you quit.

That is when people say, “Speak your truth, but speak your story.” You’re owning the narrative. You’re owning who you are. That’s like the good and the bad, the light and the dark. We all have multiple facets and sides to us. It’s both of those. It’s not like I can only show the light or the good stuff. I have my faults and flaws too. I accept myself for all of those. There are things that I can work on and change and improve but there’s also like, “This is a part of me. I’m going to choose to love myself and accept myself anyway.”

It opens yourself up to growing in spaces that you’re now aware of. You’re accepting and you’re putting it out there. You’re like, “I need to grow in this area. Who out there has grown in this area that I can maybe possibly buy coaching program from?” It’s like, “Come over here for a second.” Speaking of stories, you touched on story there for a second. Let’s jump into personal stories, branding, and things like this because this plays perfectly into what we’re talking about. Shining a light on the darkness, for example. You’ve gone through some tough times. You’ve had adversity and you have a struggle. A lot of times, people don’t want to put that out on video because they feel like they’re going to be judged or people are going to look down on them or feel like, “What an idiot. They made a mistake.”

If those people are doing that, they’re projecting their insecurities. Don’t worry about that. For you, as a person, putting out your story, if you have some dark moments and you talk about it, people are attracted to that because they’ve also gone through something similar or they know the feeling of being down. They can be inspired by that and how you came back and grow through it. That’s what the show is all about. In a nutshell, that’s what this is all about. How does your personal journey, your story of where you’ve come from, how you got through it, where you’re going, your dreams, your goals, that whole sequence, how is that considered someone’s secret sauce?

It is your superpower. It is the thing that’s shaped you. It is the thing that has shaped your gifts, where you are now. What you have been through is what has created where you are now, who you are now and the way you’ve handled it. Those are the things that you teach for the people. Your journey is what has created you. People always ask, “How do I stand out online?” That’s it. You talk about you. The way that we relay this and particularly on film is your life is your movie. You’re the hero. You’re the lead of your own story. You’re listening to your inner talk, your narrative throughout your entire life, and you’re experiencing it from your perspective. You’re growing and evolving where you can start to realize that you’re always seeing it from your own perspective so that you can start to question it, and then look at things from other people’s perspectives.

That’s where it gets into more material things, but where true power comes from is when you can step outside of your own self and your own story. Your journey as the lead character in all of those challenges and those obstacles, the mistakes, the bad choices you’ve made, and then the ones that you’ve had the courage and the bravery, and you’ve moved through the fear and pain. That’s brought you to the point that you are now. As a business owner, you become the guide, you become the Yoda to help walk the next person through their journey. One of the questions you asked me, who are some of the mentors that have helped me? I have dozens of mentors who have helped me along on my journey. Now, I get to be one of those for somebody else.

I still have so much more to go where I’m going to have a million more. Every time that we step into the hero of our home story, it gives us power, choice, conviction, purpose and direction. All of these powerful things that then help allow us to become that guide and that helping hand for other people who are maybe a couple steps behind and be like, “I get it. I know exactly what that feels like. This is what I did. Let’s worked through this together.” Your story is how you stand out online.

One of the best ways, if not the best way to tell your story is through video on camera because they get the whole picture. It’s not just a copy or voice. It’s both.

Do the stuff that lights you up because when you’re a bright light, that’s when you can shine on others.

It’s not just static image or one of your cool photo shoot images, which is great. Those are fun. I love using those, but it’s so much beyond just like that, “Here’s my little perfect image.” It’s you and your vibrancy, energy and passion. We can talk about speaking fast. People often talk on camera very quickly if they’re nervous or if they’re passionate about something, which I get passionate about stuff. People can experience that. People can watch a video and be like, “I feel your passion. I get it.” It can click and it can resonate because I’m allowing myself to be that through the channel for the message and for the emotion. We know emotions are what make decisions, emotions are what make change. If I can help share what I’m feeling to the viewer or to the listener, that’s powerful. That makes a difference. That can inspire people into action, into realizing that it is possible for them too.

Throughout this journey that you’ve been on, from an objective outside perspective, if you can separate yourself and take a look at yourself, has there been a transformation that has happened that you’re aware of now that maybe you didn’t expect to happen or that you didn’t foresee? A transformation that has happened within you that you didn’t expect, but you see it now present, is there anything like that going on?

The biggest one is the way that I think about things is very different now. The way that I see conflict and disagreement, and the way I form opinions around those things, it’s very different where it’s more taking that step back. I’m an anthropologist from school. I studied anthropology. I love people, culture, travel, people through all time, their cultures and their societies. College is when I learned terms to it like holistic paradigm and paradigm shifting. It started to trigger this concept of there are multiple ways to think, and studying all of these different religions from spanning many different years in many different countries. Almost all of them have the exact same foundation.

It started to sink in different way of viewing people and their belief systems. None of that took hold in the way I behaved until after my experiences, incorrections, living in a place that was different than when I’d grown up and different than what I had known, a day-to-day experience that was almost like an ethnographic study, that was very different than what I was used to. I went through that decline of some major depression and finding my way back out of that, and knowing that every single step out of that was a choice and choosing it over again. Every single day, it’s a choice. It’s to choose my dream, believing in myself and helping others.

We have this one conscious known life. It’s going to have challenges no matter what. It might as well be towards the thing that lights me up and that’s exciting because what else is the point? Do the stuff that lights you up because when you’re a bright light, that’s when you can shine on others, that’s when you can help others. We always think like, “I want to serve others first.” How are you going to be able to serve them and help them so much if you can’t even handle yourself? Finally, after all of those different steps, all those general concepts of like, “This is where beliefs come from,” and they are thoughts that we’ve convinced ourselves are true. The way that we decide what new beliefs we want to accept and take on are based on the value systems that we have from the principles of how it is that we want to experience life. All of these are different paradigm shifts. It’s changed the way that I see things and perceive things, and then handle and react to things.

I feel like you’re in my brain. It’s crazy. I asked the question, I expect an answer and I’m like, “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” We’re on the very similar vibe. Being able to portray it on video and get your message out there and be able to impact more people via video. This is the secret to the whole game nowadays. Everybody is on their phone on Instagram, Facebook and they’re doing live. Video is the thing.

There are two things that are different in a way that I teach things. I want to share this distinction because I am an actor. I’ve been an acting coach and helping pull the genuine truth and the story out of someone as though you are stepping into that role into a character role is very important for camera work. We can get into the technical things like knowing your angles and stuff like that, but you have to be able to serve the story in a way where the audience believes you. You have to find the conviction and the rooted truth in what you’re saying so that it becomes powerful in a way that it can move your audience into the next action that you need them to take. That’s how you merge the concept of believing in your message and being authentic into the practical, tangible business side of it. You can shape your message in a way that’s compelling, that’s captivating, that’s motivating and inspiring your audience into taking that action that you need them to.

Now, we’re not speaking the same language. You’re now blowing my mind. Speaking of which, tell us a little bit about your business. What is it you offer? What services do you have? Talk to us about that stuff.

I do work with a very limited number of one-on-one clients. I don’t advertise it anywhere. If you message me and I have a time, we’ll see if we make that work. My main focus is I have this awesome group coaching program that’s called Captivate on Camera. We’re merging the internal and the external together. We’re putting it in that entire business framework of how to truly integrate video into your business plan and doing it in a way that’s authentic, powerful and genuine to you, and helping you use your voice in the way that it’s meant to, that it needs to be heard and shared. I have a free training video series. That’s a perfect place to get started to see if that’s the right fit for you and to give you some great tips and insight on the technical of how to jump into video through this free training series. It’s a great place to start.

Kellsie, I could chat with you all day about this stuff. You can’t get away from the camera. It’s looking right at you and it’s capturing you. If you understand how to put your true self forward, you can massively impact your business and your life in general, it’ll help you grow as a human. That’s what you’re helping people do, which is cool. It’s inspiring, valued, needed and you have a very bright future. I love having you on. This is an amazing conversation. We’ll have to do it again sometime. I’ve started incorporating video into the podcast as we were talking about. You’re going to be my first video for produced podcast person. You’ll see it on Instagram. Where can our audience come find you?

I’m mostly hanging out on Instagram. Please DM me and say hi. If you can take a screenshot of this, share it and tag me. It’s like a virtual hug. I love it when that happens. I’m @Kellsie_Moore. I pulled my audience and asked them what they would like to see for me for the next content. I asked TikTok, podcast or YouTube channel. I should have seen this coming because it’s video, but 90% said YouTube. I’ll also soon be starting a YouTube channel.

Jump into that free video course because that is essential to your business. If you’re not in business, it’s essential to your life. I have a sneaking suspicion, there’s a lot of personal development intertwined in there. That’s extremely important for human growth in general. Thank you for being on the show. It’s been a pleasure.

Thank you.

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About Kellsie Moore

GPA 47 | Video PresenceLady Kellsie Moore is the authority on unearthing a personal brand’s hidden genius and superpowers and bringing them to life on camera. 

She weaves her unique, insightful expertise and gifts to make you shine as your most excellent, authentic, potent, and powerful self and be captivating on-screen.

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