TGP #56 Empowered And Aligned With Sandra Haseley

GPA 56 | Entrepreneurship

What do you love doing the most? How can you live a life of purpose? Sandra Haseley was originally working in the corporate world and eventually worked her way up the ladder, but she was eventually fired. She tried going back into corporate, but all the doors were shut down for her. That sparked her belief that God opened a not-so-familiar road for her: entrepreneurship. She and her husband opened a health clinic without knowing how to operate things, so they solely rely on searching Google for help. Eventually, she felt empty and realized that she should focus her energy on what she enjoyed. Now, she is helping people be more successful and live life on purpose through her coaching.

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Empowered And Aligned With Sandra Haseley

This is episode 56, becoming aligned and powered with high-performance mentor and coach Sandra Haseley.

I’m here with Sandra Haseley, author, business coach and keynote speaker for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Welcome to the show.

Thank you for having me.

Sandra, for the readers who do not know you quite as well as I do. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Canadian-born and I’m an American now. I have lived across the US to travel and moved about seventeen times. I graduated in Finance in the traditional education model. I did not like it at all but I was told to do it because that was the success path. I was a Division 1 softball player in university. I loved playing on a team with people but I was not super on fire for softball but scholarships.

I left there and I went to commercial finance for real estate. I was an analyst for a while. I hated every second of it but success, that is what you have to do and that has cost-benefit. It was not until I started climbing up the ranks, less the financial analysis and went into becoming the director of sales and marketing for two different companies doing international real estate. I ended up getting fired instead of getting a bonus that I earned.

This is about several years into my journey that I was like, “That was supposed to be safe.” That was supposed to be the thing that would protect me. That degree, corporate job, the benefits and all of that was a total lie. It was then that I was forced into this entrepreneurial life that I had been terrified of for so long. I never wanted that. It turns out I’m good at that. I love it. I’m able to help way more people and live life on purpose.

It is a vocation for me because, as business coaches figure, I’m not only affecting the business impact that they can grow their business and impact more people through that. Along the way, you are teaching them things but life bit comes in. I’m ending up helping them in life along the way. I feel on purpose. Every time I show up for my clients and I show up online in any way to help, this was a totally unexpected turn for me that ended up being like a dream. You and I were talking about it earlier. It is cool to live out a dream that does not feel real.

For the readers who can’t see us, I have my baseball glove on here and we will play a little virtual catch because, at the time of recording this, there is this Coronavirus that is going around. Before we jump into a lot more about you, we have a lot to unpack with you and you got a ton of awesome value to bring. In this virtual world that we are in now isn’t it interesting how folks like you and myself do a lot of our networking and things on the internet to reach and impact more people? That was the main thing that I realized when I was transitioned. I was like, “There is more impact here.”

I was on a tiny little island 7 kilometers long but I could reach the entire world. That is my moment. I was like, “This is how I can impact.” I was at a virtual house party with a bunch of my college friends. They have never been online before. They were like, “We can talk on the internet. We were looking at each other. I was like, “I’m on Zoom ten times a day.” Everybody is waking up to this reality. Isn’t that interesting?

I was at a virtual birthday party. My mother was like, “Do I have to download this thing? This is going to be something I do not use.” I’m like, “Believe me. You’re about to use it a lot.” We have got all these different people celebrating my son’s birthday. I have got four kids and he turned five in 2022. He was like, “Where is everybody?” I’m like, “They are here.” He was like, “That is it?” “Yes. It is on the screen now. Get used to it.” People are doing charades, board games, parties and happy hours. People are seeing how much difference they can make between the top attire and the bottom attire. Look at how fancy I’m up top and look at the PJs on the bottom. It is weird but much of it is awesome.

Are you wearing PJs?

I’m wearing jeans now. It is a step up. They are stretchy, not that fancy.

Play on a team with people.

It is true for people who work, integrate and connect online with this top-bottom thing. My wife laughs at me all the time when I do this. When I’m coaching a sales team, one of the rules is you have to dress to impress, even if we’re just at home. Everybody is wearing a suit. I got a tie on, my tie clip and boxer shorts or PJ sweatpant bottoms.

I do it every time because there is no way I’m putting on pants. I’m going to wrinkle them. I got to get them out of the dread. I’m going to wear my comfort clothes. There is always a silver lining around everything. A lot of people are waking up to the impact that they can have by going virtual, by the number of people they can reach and how they can change the world positively from sitting at home in their PJs.

Let’s rewind a little bit for a lot of the readers and myself included. I also transitioned, went through the whole corporate thing, realized truths about it and escaped. When we were in Singapore climbing the corporate ladder, I got instantly clear that I did not want to be there. I went into my pocket and I paid 2 or 3 months of salary out of my pocket so that I could escape my contract.

You are locked in for how many years. I was like, “I got three more months left on this thing. I will pay my way out.” They were like, “You have to pay your full salary.” I was like, “I will pay the whole salary. What is my salary? It is not that much, is it? I will pay you and I’m out.” Back when you were in the corporate world doing all that, you had some experiences with not meeting your expectations as far as your personal value and how they viewed you.

Somebody is reading and thinking like, “That is cool. She speaks for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. She is an author. She has all these things going on. She could do it.” Back then, you were not the person you are now. They are in the frame of where they are now. How did you get the courage? How did you have the self-belief to be able to step out of that reality and confidently walk forward into the reality you are in now?

I always qualified myself as risk-averse. That is why the idea of owning my own business was such a joke. I’m like, “I will always be a jump man and always be number two. Give me your VP position or whatever. I will never be number one. I want to be the support person because you give me a job. I will rock it, do it better than anyone, put my nose to the grindstone but I do not want the responsibility and risk of being number one.”

It took getting fired to push me into this entrepreneurial space. While I was doing freelance and business coaching all the way along, I was doing business coaching while I was in commercial real estate too, all these tenants and leases to grow and build. My husband is a chiropractor and he was getting frustrated with the office that he was working for.

It was like all the worlds collided and the opportunity presented itself for low rent for an easy way to get into owning our own space and creating our own brand. I was like, “I don’t know anything. I don’t know how to make a business. I can be the director and marketer all day long or the director of sales and marketing but I don’t know how to run a medical clinic. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

I googled everything because I had to. At this point, I was pregnant with my third and I had over 400 applications go out. I closed multimillion dollars in sales for real estate internationally. I had the best connections in my area. I knew all the VPs, owners and executives everywhere and I could not get a job. I was being blackballed from the industry and I could not get it up.

Aside from that, even outside of industries, I was looking for jobs anywhere and I could not get anything. I believe God was closing, slamming doors left and right for me, pushing me into this space. It took me about two years before I put my hands up and said, “I will try entrepreneurial whatever. This opportunity came. I said, “Let’s say yes to it.” I do not know what I’m doing but I know that I’m going to try until I fail. It either works or it doesn’t. To answer your question as I look back now, why did I not have enough courage?

It took me getting fired to do something. I wasted years where I could have been happier. I could have been changing people’s lives instead of making a company richer with better lease and sale transactions. This is something that’s more on purpose and helpful. I’m impacting family’s lives and relationships. They are impacting other people.

People underestimate Google and ask for advice from other experts. They overvalue their degree. It’s this big, beautiful thing that is going to save you. It is like, “You do not need a freaking degree at all.” I tell my kids the same thing. Since this happened years ago, I have told my children, the oldest ones, when they were 12 and 14.

GPA 56 | Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship: You may not want something, but if you try, it could be good for you.

I said, “Trade school, entrepreneurial space, service-based industry, online space. I want you to be good at school because I want you to be disciplined. It’s not about the grades. It is about showing up. Those habits will support you in your life.” I don’t need to like pressure them to get all these good grades. I want them to be successful. I do not want them to over respect the traditional education model because I feel like that was a big failure for me.

There is a shift going on energetically in the world where people realize that the degree is something that previous generations placed a lot of weight on and rightly because that is what they knew. Maybe you have read the book, The World is Flat. It is an old nice book. It is not about the world being flat. The world is not flat.

It is about saying how we are all connected and everything is close to us. Now we can touch. As the world is getting smaller, like now we are chatting on Zoom from many miles apart, You can realize that you do not have to get that degree and job in the downtown core to make money. You can come on here, make an impact, travel easily, go around the world, speak all over stages, go to Kenya and build schools. You can do all things.

The world is your oyster now and people are waking up to that fact. When you realize that the traditional schooling system sets you up to jump into the corporate space and to get into that 9:00 to 5:00 grind, it is breeding you for that. That is cool. We need that as well but you do not have to go that route. There are many other ways you can go. More important people are learning than waking up to this.

My wife and I go to Bali all the time. One of the places that we love going, not going but are aware of and we see it is the Green School. Maybe you have heard of the Green School in Bali. It is kindergarten up to grade 7 or 8 before high school. It is unique in the sense that they teach the things that I believe a child’s age should learn.

My wife and I do not have kids yet but we will. Our dream is to send our kids to that school. It is expensive but that does not matter. Money is energy. We can find that anywhere. What they learn is gardening. How do plants grow? They learn how to communicate with people. They learn languages and not maybe the whole language structure but there are other languages. They have taken a page out of the Japanese culture in that way, the way they raise their children and stuff.

It is an open environment. They are all together running around. It is like 90% of the thing is playing. Their art and using their mind, they are developing their imagination and stuff. The more of that happens and the less of sit in the classroom, stare at them and memorize dates like, “When did the president die?” It is like, “We have Google now. You do not need to take up your mind with that stuff. The more that is happening, the more society will shift that way. It is funny for people in our age range. We are in the middle.

I always say this to people, “The older generation was stuck with that model. The younger generation understands now. They will be open.” They will go, “I will be more entrepreneurs. It is cool to be an entrepreneur now.” Whereas before, it was like, “That is risky. It is not a real job.” It creates the job that you are talking about. When you were going through this transition, you were finding yourself there and it took you a little bit of time but that is completely normal. You were in a moment there in space and time. What was going on inwardly that nobody else could see?

A lot of doubt and fear, I have never done this before. I don’t know how I could make this successful. I didn’t have anybody who owned their own business in my life. I didn’t have anybody that was an entrepreneur. This was not a model. It felt safe. I was not familiar with it. I did not know what success was supposed to look like.

Other people are supposed to think that you are great. I was scared that I was doing it wrong, was not growing fast enough, I could lose it all, it would all be on my shoulders and be my fault if it did, everybody would hate me and I would ruin my kids’ lives. These are the things that I was thinking of alongside all of the innovation, the objective thinking, the creative play and trying to troubleshoot through these new problems. I would get new problems every day because this whole thing was new to me.

I would do what I knew and that was 10%. I would find out everything that I did. It was a matter of committing to doing that. It was a matter of saying, “I feel all these things in my body. My body is feeling tense or scared. I get like a jolt of excitement, happiness, hope and joy but no matter what, I have to keep going because my boats were burned at that point.

I have already done corporate and it did not work. I tried to go back in a lot of different ways and in any job. I could not get the job. The unemployment rate was high at that time but the president has shut down long-term unemployment. I was getting no help at all. I was still suffering from a car accident that was work-related from before. There was a lot going on and I could not get any help from anywhere anymore. It was up to me. It was like, “I do not like this. I’m not comfortable here.” You either need to stay resentful, Sandra, buck up, do the things and get in love with it.

It’s cool to live out a dream that doesn’t feel real.

If this is your new normal, you have committed to this and you decide not to do it anymore, that is your choice to fail. I’m okay with failing when I have tried my hardest but it was wrestling with the fear of failure. If this is my best, I’m trying my hardest and I still fail. How worth it could I be for anybody for anything? That is still happening. I still get those feelings. Especially now when things are shifting.

My husband and I own a brick and mortar. We own Buffalo, New York’s most highly successful all-natural weight loss program but it is in a building and people are not allowed to come in. There is fear there too. A lot of people are experiencing that. We are not alone. There’s also a feeling of because we are not alone, it is okay. I have more peace in my body than I did when things were going better and less scary than I do now.

When things are looking tumultuous out there and there should be more fear, I feel peace and I feel settled because I will still do the things. I know what it is like to go through those ups and downs in the business of my own business and still come out okay. You talked about when you had two shifts and transitioned things online. It is like, “If our worst-case scenario in the business world is bankruptcy, how many millionaires have rebuilt from bankruptcy?” It is endless.

Is that our worst-case scenario? Whatever, let’s build again. It is getting to the worst-case scenario when I feel those feelings and have that tension in my body. I do a lot of meditation and prayer but decide that like, “What is your worst-case scenario, Sandra? How bad is it going to be? Have you gotten over stranded on those four kids ever gone without food or shelter?” No. You are fine.” It is like hitting the reset button like that almost every day.

When I went through the roughest patch in our family’s life, I transitioned from corporate into brick and mortar. We had about twenty different brick-and-mortar businesses that we were at some passion either investors or consulting for. I had our fingers in it somehow. When they all went away in the same month, everything stopped. That completely broke us. We went from positive cashflow and a pretty nice lifestyle to the bank calling me every day. I do not know where that is going to come from. They are foreclosing buildings and it completely flipped on its head. It spun me into a bit of a depression, as it would for a lot of people.

All of a sudden, I was not myself anymore. I was not running and not doing the things that I usually did to get my energy up. I started going in a spiral. I was in that spiral for probably two months. That is the longest I have ever been sad. I have never been depressed in my life. That came from nowhere. It hit me like a brick. I pick myself out of it through a lot of inner work, meditation, journaling, thinking, getting my thoughts out and sorting out what is going on.

In those moments, I was chatting with a couple of my mentors in various spaces. One of my mindset guys is very deep into NLP and all stuff. He is asking me questions and I’m talking. That is how it works. He is coaching me through the process a little bit. I started realizing that if I looked at myself objectively, as an observer, I could see that I still had everything.

We still had an amazing house. We were renting a portion of our best friend’s house there who has a beautiful beach home. We lived in that. I was like, “We still have a nice home.” I was still going for a run with my dog in the morning. I do not even have to think about the job anymore, the work or the consulting because I do not have it. I have relieved a ton of that stress. I was like, “I still have the fresh food fruit platter when I get home.”

All of a sudden, I realized and I had a pivotal moment. If you are in a depression or in a downstate now, this is how you know when you are going to pop through the breakthrough. At least, this is what it was for me. Maybe it was similar for you. When you are in the lowest, you can possibly be as far as you feel like, “I’m so down right now. This is the worst it can get.” If you ask yourself, “Am I still extremely happy with everything around me? Am I taking care of? Is everything cool?”

I realized I was the happiest I have ever been because I had time to go for my runs and I was practicing yoga. Instead of half an hour, I was doing two hours and instead of reading 10 pages a day, I was reading 110. I was going through a book every three days. I was like, “I’m on this amazing personal development journey here. My wife and I were connecting because we were always together. We did not have to go do stuff. We were always together.”

I was like, “This is the best moment ever. This is amazing.” He said, “That moment is going to go vertical for you. Everything is going to change.” It was exactly at that moment when we decided, “Maybe we should pivot and move to Europe. I should pivot and focus on this internet stuff that I have been looking at for a little while.

Since that moment, we made that pivot and everything had changed for us. It went straight up. To get through that dark time, I encourage you to understand that you are still you. These outside circumstances are exactly that. They are outside. You can’t control them. Do not worry about them. If other people are doing crazy stuff, let them do what they are doing. They are not you.

GPA 56 | Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship: Don’t waste years where you could have been happier, where you could have been changing people’s lives instead of making a company richer.

If you can remain centered, true to who you are, go inside, work on yourself, find where you are passionate for, you can serve, most potent in this world and find a way to express it. For a lot of us, it is using the internet because the internet is global. If you can express it, you do not have to think about, “Money.” As soon as you start serving on a high level, money starts showing up because it is a law.

When I realized that, I was like, “Everything is awesome.” It went boom. The depression was completely gone. I was super excited. I started doing pushups. I was like, “Everything is awesome.” At the same moment, I look at the bank and I’m like, “That is the worst it has ever been but I do not even care. It does not matter.”

I was talking about this in one of my groups that I know that it does not sound like it could be real. You put the service and the high service first and then the money comes. It is like, “Sandra, that is nice in theory. I have been good to people and nothing shows up.” It is not about that. It is about flipping the switch into energetically getting behind that idea and deciding that it is more true than anything else. The money does show up.

I started my group talk like coaching. I was saying, “It is gray and cloudy out. How are you liking it?” It does not matter. My outside circumstances do not dictate how I feel. I could not possibly be responsive all day long based on my environment. Are you kidding me? I would be in an insane asylum. No question. You have to think about that, “Am I in my reactionary to everything around me or am I deciding to be happy despite that stuff?”

I hate to use this example but I love to use it because it is the most poignant and the most smack-in-the-face example that I could ever think of. The tragedy and the trauma of the holocaust and the victims of the holocaust, there are many stories of people being joyful, singing, happy, living longer and surviving because of joy in helping. They were in the worst place in the world and they were still deciding to find joy.

If they can do that and they are also humans, can we decide that even if the bank account does not look like we need to look? Things are not that bad because you can make them better if you get your energy behind them and you will be healthier. All of a sudden, that switch got flipped and you are doing pushups again. Your body feels better. I’m sure your circulation and your energy were up. You create more creativity than you were the day before.

I also did not understand the service thing until I did. You have to come into that understanding yourself. I always have quotes and things all around my other house, not my parents’ bedroom, where I am here. One of them I had from Zig Ziglar was, “Help people get what they want and you will get everything you want.” I honestly did not get that for a while. I was like, “How can I help these people get what they want? I’m screwed right now.” That was my thought, “I need to focus on me. I need to fix me.”

As soon as I started learning the internet “stuff” I instantly started coaching people on what I had learned. It was a little bit but I was like, “I figured out how to build an autoresponder. I figured this thing out. Does anybody want to learn about it?” There would be three people on a Zoom. I would be like, “You can send emails to people. Check this out.”

All of a sudden, I was like, “Those people got some value from that.” I thought everybody knew that but there are always people slightly behind you on your path no matter where you are on the journey. You are giving back. It is like a chain reaction and I realized that. That is when I stepped into the coaching and the mentoring space, not as a coach but as reaching for coaches. I was like, “Reach and then give. I get it.” That was, for me, the paradigm shift.

How did you discover your current business direction? You are doing some amazing stuff. You are an author now. You are a high-ticket business coach. You speak on stage for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. That is no joke at all. I do not want to quite get there yet because I want to save that for a day. How did you discover your business model and the things you are doing now?

It all seems like, “What is she doing?” Even my close friends are like, “What are you doing again?” I graduated with Finance in Marketing and Advertising but Marketing Advertising being the bundle. None of that marketing was relevant. That was outdated at the time that I graduated. It did not matter.

I was in the financial world. I dealt with many different types of tenants and investors that had different businesses and industries. I dealt with everything. As an employee for a corporation that houses those tenants and wants those tenants to be long-term tenants, once those tenants grow with them, once those tenants grow out of their space and build with them, it was part of my job.

There’s responsibility and risk in being number one.

I took it on as my job. It wasn’t told to me but it became part of my job to coach these people where they had blind spots and holes in their business. I’m seeing their warehouse distributions, internet sales, retail frontline division, medical supplies and all these things. I’m looking at their staff and coaching them along the way. You have got an opportunity here. You have got way too much overhead over here. Let’s look at your P&L. I was digesting all this stuff with them to help them along the way. I had been coaching them for years.

I can’t believe I have to do this while I’m working. That was fun for me because it was helpful to them. I did not know that is why I loved it so much at the time. It was fine. It was a puzzle to figure out for them. Looking back, the reason why I love it so much is because I helped them. I was the person that could come in and solve a problem for them and they were frustrated. I made their body feel better and I need their business to do better.

Looking back, that is why it was great for me. Although I did not fully step into business coaching and decided to freelance at that point, I was doing it all the way along. Once I had lost my job, I started to do more freelance work. I was doing website development, marketing and branding because I have a background in creating new brands, rebranding and creating online companies for other people doing that freelance work. I did not consider that a job.

I was like doing a thing and they are going to pay me for it. That is a thing. That is not a job. A job is corporate. That is a real job. We opened the business, my husband and I, the clinic and I was doing all of that. A lot of the doctors started coming to me. How did you grow this thing fast? What are you doing? I have been in practice for several years and I can’t get it like you are getting it. What numbers are you doing and how are you doing it? I’m like, “How are you not doing it? It was easy.”

I was googling everything and trying everything. These people, like doctors, have the disadvantage of not taking any business at all. They have got no business sense, typically. They do the work for it and they are all got this insane specialty but they do not know how to run their business. They are all asking me and I’m going, “Huh.”

I started coaching them on an individual basis and their minds are being blown away by things, like you said, like the autoresponder. I’m like, ‘How old are you?” They do not know what they do not know. You come in to help them. Even for the free help, their gratitude is overwhelming at times. When we came into this space, it was about early 2019, when I was starting to feel less satisfied with the health clinic. In that, I did not find this to be my vocation.

My husband is the doctor. I will build this thing again. Even though this is my own company, I’m safely sitting in the jump seat. My husband is the face of the company. He is the doctor and I can be over here, no risk. I started to get a little disgruntled and then the Knowledge Broker Blueprint came out and I’m a Tony Robbins fan. I have been to his business mastery and I was on their email list.

I went on the training and I was like, “This is something that I need and I do not know what it is going to do but I know that I got to have it because this is not working for me and it does not feel right anymore. I’m burning out.” I’m like, “I can see my light dying a little bit. I have got four kids. I know I bring that stress home to them when I’m not loving my life.”

I took the course and it was like, “That is it.” I have been a natural coach my whole life. I love doing it. It makes me so happy. The idea that I could charge that for that. You look at the ROI from coaching. The ROI is always there. They always get their money back and way more. I started to remove the emotion behind money and started to invest my time in believing and getting behind the fact that it is a resource. It is energy.

Stop telling yourself the same lies that you were fed when you were a kid about rich people, wealthy things and all that. I would ask for what I was worth. I started getting paid for what I was worth. I had the energy to get behind all of the help that I kept bringing people. At first, it was the help for free. It happened first.

I was going through this course to unpack my expertise to make me realize, “You was always coaching Sandra. This is what you should be doing.” Once I started playing with it online, helping people and they were going, “You are amazing. You have helped me in all these different ways. I’m like, “I thought it was business coaching you.” They were like, “Thanks for helping me earn money but this was awesome too. I was like, “This is it. This is why I’m excited to get up in the morning.”

This is what it feels like when they say jumping out of bed in the morning. I am not a morning person. Everything in my body hurts. So not wake me up early but now I want to get up. When you find your passion, it is about serving people versus making some rich guy richer. Let’s be honest about corporate real estate. There are investors that are philanthropists but the business model itself is to make more money, to make more money, an asset. What I do, what you do is truly helping people and it started with helping them with no strings attached. That felt amazing and then the money showed up.

GPA 56 | Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship: Business coaching started with just helping people with no strings attached, and that felt amazing. And then the money showed up.

I believe we got connected initially from the Knowledge Business Blueprint Facebook Group. That’s where we met. What a high vibe community that is. I love Tony and Dean. I have been following them for years. When KBB came out, I was like you. I told my wife, I was like, “I know you have never watched a webinar and I have only watched three but Tony Robbins is doing one now with Dean Graziosi. I do not know what they are going to talk about but we need to watch this thing.” We did and this was exactly in the moment when we were struggling. That was a struggling moment for us.

 I was like, “It is Tony Robbins. He is going live for three hours. He is talking business with Dean. This is something I need to be involved with. What is it?” As soon as I started watching it, I was like, “This is interesting. I wonder what this is.” I was not quite where you were at that moment. I did not click like, “This is what I should be doing.” It woke me up to, “People are doing this.”

I was like, “People do online masterminds and stuff.” I had no idea. I was too busy running beach resorts and stuff. I was completely offline. I only went online to check my email for work. I did not do Zooms and stuff. I had no idea about this stuff. I was like, “What do you mean online mastermind? What do you mean coaching? I have a mentor but I got to fly to him or whatever.” We meet up for dinner when we are in the same town thing.

That opened me up for sure. I was like, “This is cool.” I bought the KBB instantly. I went through a very fast. Coach me through this a little bit because a lot of people reading probably feel this and I felt it as well. It took a mind shift for me to get through it. The feeling of I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. Why do I have the right to coach people? What is your opinion on coaching and why almost anyone can be a coach?

I am pretty deep into my faith and I got there. I dabbled since I was about seven years old but I finally started falling into love with my faith. I believe that because God said, “We are worthy. We are.” If he is the creator of everything and he decided to make me a certain way, it is all there is to it. I do not get to be the one to say, “No, you did not do it good enough. I messed up a little bit, though.” I get to make mistakes and everything but I do not get to say that I’m not worthy of things.

When it comes to coaching people or earning money like we will take money, for instance because it is an easy one for people to wrap their heads around. It is the same thing for me if you think of it as a resource or energy. If I take a deep breath, do I feel bad about it because I took a lot of air in? Do I feel like I took more than the little kid who has smaller lines? Do I feel bad that now the trees are going to have to work harder to make more oxygen? Do I feel like taking it from somebody else? I do not feel that way. Why should I feel that way about money, which is also a resource, exchange of goods, services and value?

When it comes to being worthy, I’m not the best. Nobody is the best. There is always going to be somebody moving into the better spot and getting kicked out every second and every moment. Nobody is the best at anything. Maybe they are for a split second momentarily but somebody else is the best. It is not a static thing.

If nobody is the best, who can you help? Is it somebody that is not as good as you? Perfect, go help them. That is it. That is all there is to it. They need the help. Maybe they will be connected to the better version of you. They have no way of accessing and they do not know who they know but they know you. Can you help them or not? If yes, help them. You have an obligation and a responsibility to show up with your God, given guests. Help people, get out of the way and stop telling yourself a story, “You are not good and not qualified enough.” If you can help them, that makes you qualify.

It does not take a degree, certification or any set of resume rules to decide that for you. That took me a while because, in the corporate model and education model, you are ranged by the level of importance through your grades, certifications, mastery, doctorate or whatever. You are ranked on your position on that corporate ladder in the business world.

If you are not here, you are not good enough. I do not even speak to you unless you are C-level. I do not even speak to you unless you are the gatekeeper for the CEO. We rank people and value them based on that. When you come from a corporate environment and to entrepreneurial space, it tends to be like that for you mentally where you are like, “I’m not good enough because I’m not this.” This has nothing to do with that. That is not even relevant. It is a matter of can you help them or not? Go help them.

That is something a lot of people face, “Who would listen to me?” One of the things that I have learned by being coached. I have learned the difference between a mentor relationship, a consulting relationship and a coaching relationship. I heard this from one of my mentors who coaches me and we talked about this. He talks about this a lot. For me, it makes a lot of sense.

He says, “Anyone can coach anyone.” I’m not telling you what to do. I’m not consulting you like, “You are doing X. You should do Y.” That is consulting. Mentorship is like, “Do not do it this way. You should do it this way because I did it this way. This works.” Coaching is all about you. It is asking questions. Technically, if you know the questions to ask and how to dig, get the person to open up, find themselves and find those answers, you can coach anybody.

The coaching pieces are for everyone.

I did not even coach you. I mentored you.

That is what sparked it for me. I was like, “This is a mentorship session.” I was accepting it like that. I was like, “This is exactly the thing I’m thinking about. It is true because that is the difference. People that are like, “I can’t be a coach.” It’s like, “No. You are saying that you can’t be a mentor yet in your space because you do not have the experience. You have not got the accolades yet. That is probably true but you can coach.” You can ask questions. It is like sales. If you can ask questions, you can get them to move emotionally and find themselves, speak and open up. That is coaching. It is all about them.

Those questions asked act as bumpers or guardrails for them. Asking the question is putting a bumper against them, making them bounce back here and answer the question to stay in line or make progress going forward. You are right. It is something that other people could do. People get those terms confused a lot because they are thrown around interchangeably all over the place. People use them improperly. Making that distinction between those two things is important. The coaching pieces are for everyone.

Before we talk about Tony, Dean, your keynotes and things you are doing there because that fascinates me, I have meditated and envisioned myself speaking on many stages in my life. I know that that is where I’m going to be impacting. I’m interested to hear about that journey a little bit but before we go there, as far as planting seeds and things. It is the growth podcast and we are all about growth here. I always use the metaphor of a seed. A seed has all the energy and everything it needs to grow into a tree but it is a little seed. You can’t see it.

People, a lot of times, feel like, “I’m putting in the work and I’m not getting the reaction. I’m not getting the result yet. You have to think of it as a seed. You planted it now and you harvest it in the summer. It takes some time. It is all about planting seeds continuously every day and the harvest will come eventually.

As far as planting seeds and things like this, it always comes down to resources, books, things that helped you along your journey to plant various seeds for yourself and work on yourself throughout your journey because clearly, you have been on the self-development path a long time. It is obvious when you speak to someone and it is obvious with you. Do you have any books or favorite resources that you liked or helped you throughout your journey?

I would say that the first contemplative mental awareness and emotional shifting that I started to learn from because I play with a lot of different types of tutorials, audiobooks, podcasts, YouTube. Bob Proctor was the first one that I remember hearing about when it came to deciding what your life would look like, to help co-create what your life could be or to envision your future and then make it. The idea of meditation and all of that. To me, that sounded like a lot of waste of time.

I could meditate and spend 30 minutes quiet in a room, thinking about a lot of stuff that does not feel meditation because I can’t control my thoughts or I could get down to business, making phone calls. I would tend to respect the money-making and work activities over the mindset activities. It was a slow drip. I’m a slow learner when it comes to this stuff.

Little by little, when I would implement tiny pieces of advice from like Bob Proctor, the Bible, Abraham Hicks, Gabby Bernstein and Tony Robbins, I would see those little things and I would pay attention. The more you hear things, the more they sit in your subconscious. They come up again and they rub up against you. You are like, “I should look at that.” The more I tested those ideas, I tried them and stopped resisting the idea of meditation, quietness and even guided meditation. I’m still doing guided meditation, not my own. I need to be guided. Still, I’m at that phase.

I did not know that there was a physical reaction that happens in meditation, where you do spark creativity, energy and feeling in your body that feels good and better. All of a sudden, you stop worrying and stop caring about the other stuff. The outside circumstances stop becoming important. You are like, “Now I can focus on my work.” My work is better. I can reach more people. I can do it through service because they care about the service. Now I get the service piece

I feel like clicking that light on. For me, it was through meditation that light turned on because I was practical and tactical with everything that I did. You are taught that in the corporate world to be that way. Nobody talks about meditation in the C-suite. When you start doing it and applying it, you are like, “It works.” I guess the ancient civilizations all over the world had it. It was a lot of that. Does that answer your question? Did I derail?

We have a lot in common. We have similar experiences and I was the same way, like picking up the phone, making it happen, doing the meeting, doing the tactical stuff. I got 5,000 emails. I do not have time for this shit. I read this at some point in my life. When I did that, it also made me think, “If you do not have 30 minutes to meditate, you need to be meditating in an hour.” I was like, “I do not have 30 minutes.” I was like, “I wonder why they are saying that.”

GPA 56 | Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship: God is the creator of everything and he decided to make me a certain way, then it’s all there is to it.

Bob Proctor is amazing. I love Bob Proctor. He is old school for sure. I still watch his videos and listen to his content almost daily. He was the one who enlightened me to the whole paradigm shift. What is a paradigm shift? I was like, “I was conditioned as bait. I got it.” He was the one who sent me down that road. Let’s chat a little bit about your experience with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. I know you are a keynote speaker for them. They picked you to represent them on stage and do all these amazing things. How did that come about? How was that experience? Give us the goods on that because that is amazing.

Joining the Knowledge Broker Blueprint, going through the course and being like this is, “This is the path for me.” I’m doing the things and implementing everything. It is making sense and making my life filled with joy. I am living on purpose and this is my vocation. I was truly lit up. Within the private Facebook group that KBB has, at that time, there were maybe 16,000 to 18,000 members or whatever. I would go in and make videos for other people like, “If you are struggling with this part of the course, here is what I did. Here is what helped me. I want to come in and encourage whoever.” I started to get a little bit of attention for that.

Somebody at KBB, I do not know if it was one of the moderators at the time, invited me. He was like, “We are going to be doing a contest for speakers. You should put your name in the hat.” I was like, “That is weird.” I have spoken in crowds of like anywhere from 50, 250, 400, 5,000. I have done that before but I would not have considered myself a speaker, like freelancing is not a real job. It was a technicality for me. They ran this contest. They said, “Tony and Dean do not have the time in their schedule throughout the year to make it to every stage of their being asked to present at. We need a team of speakers.”

They asked us to submit a video. At that time, it had grown to about 21,000 to 25,000 people and 600 people had applied and I was 1 of the 25 that made it through to the second round. I want to say this to speak to this about the energy level thing because it was one of the first times that I can ever think about where for no reason. I have no reason to believe this. It came over me where I was like, “I’m not going to make it through the second round. I’m going to do this.” I’m not a talky person at all. It was not even like that.

I caught myself thinking that and I was like, “Why would you think that? That is stupid.” I said, “The feeling is still there. I’m going to make it.” They called me and I was like, “How did I know that was going to happen?” When I went through the second round, they were like, “Make a longer video and rest. This is not a script. We want to hear your thoughts on this.” They wanted to see how we would perform in semi mock model. I did my thing and they called me out to go to Arizona. I went to Arizona and there were some other people there.

They trained people around the world including people like Grant Cardone. They were going through our submissions. We had to do all these videos. We had to do eight videos of ten-minute videos of these segments of our speech and what we would do as a keynote. They were there to pick us apart. I was like, “This is an audition. I’m going to throw up.” If I knew it was an audition format, I probably would not have gone. They were like, “Get in here and make it. She still had to go through it.” We had to perform in front of everybody else that we were like competing with. They let us know that me and three other folks were on the course speaking teams.

There are four of us and they also wanted us to be along with several people who are amazing at what they do. They wanted the four of us to be speakers and we got additional training. We got $10,000 worth of training each for our keynote presentations. It is a very specific type of keynote to sell from the stage versus to inspire from the stage.

There is a lot of psychology involved, a lot of body physiology, a lot of stuff going on but they asked us to train their workshops because they were doing these KPD implementation labs to get these people who have gone through the course. You went to the course now do something about it. Some people need that handholding, they would go into the workshops and we got to train them. I was like, “This is my best life for sure.”

I come in here and play with people for two days and get them, the business launched into this is so much fun. This is business coaching on steroids in two days. I was loving that. They said, “Come back next month.” I’m like, “Is this for real? Is this part of my job now? I love this.” I never wanted to be employed by somebody else again. I want to be employed by this. We have been grounded from stage speaking because of what is going on. Whenever it picks back up, it is going to get fun fast.

They have this event coming up in October 2022 in Las Vegas when Las Vegas can have bodies in the city again. There was talk about having us onstage there too. I’m like, “This would be fun.” We do not know what any of that looks like right now but I will keep you in the loop. The whole point is that for no reason, I took a risk that I do not like taking, like submitting my video, being vulnerable, putting myself out there and meditating enough along the way at that point.

I was listening and getting quiet at times. This was all happening around the same time, in early January 19, 2018. This was when that all started to happen. The feeling of, “Do this.” That prompting that your inner self gives you to do something, to urge you to take action on something. That is what meditation can do to say, “Go here. Stop hesitating. Do not second guess. Let’s go.”

If you are being obedient to that voice, you are going to make it. Even if you hesitate and you do not act on it for two weeks, that is not being obedient to it and you might miss it. If I did not have that pole from my gut and recognize that I was being called to put my name out there for that, I would not have gotten it and having done that opened me up to the workshop training that I can do for people.

Stop telling yourself that you’re not good enough, that you’re not qualified enough. If you can help other people, that makes you qualify.

It opened me up to more coaching for other people. It opened me up to my best friends now that business partners and in a group that we have on Facebook to help people do the same. Three other women that I now have a group with. It is called Wonder Women Mastery. This is all from that one saying, “Yes.” It is all from that one thing. It all started there with all of that.

The coolest thing is when you chat with somebody and you can tell it is obvious watching you tell the story that you are living your best life. It is so blatantly obvious, big smile, crystal clear eyes, energetic, high vibes because you had the courage. This is a huge thing that a lot of people struggle with. You have an intuition telling you that this is the move.

We always hear that voice in our mind telling us, “That is the move.” Sometimes it is cluttered if your mind is busy. That is where the meditation comes in. If you are calm, that is when the download comes and you can hear the sign. When you hear that sign, “Be like Sandra.” Take that signal and run with it. Even though you are scared, you feel like, “Should I do it? Should not I do it? It sounds scary. I do not know what to do.” She busted out those videos and submitted it before you could stop yourself.

Have you read the book or heard of the book, The 5 Second Rule? This is the thing. You do that and things happen. It has opened up a whole new world for you. You are speaking on stage. I saw you have photos with Tony and Dean. You know them and you are in there. Being in their energy vortex, being that close to them and working in a business with them is that something you ever even fathom happening?

No. Tony and Dean talked about it a lot and a lot of entrepreneurs do but proximity. Being in proximity to people who are doing better than you is important. It is not because, like, “Maybe they will throw me a nugget, tell me what to do and make me a lot of money.” That happens but it is also their mindset is so high vibe that you are not even going to be welcome if you are talking about stuff down here.

They do not want to sit in anything. They want to talk about opportunity, growth, excellence, service, leadership and all these good things. If you have some garbage to sit in and still about or if you are frustrated about something, you can talk about it only if you are looking for a solution and looking to get to the next level.

Being in proximity to people who are doing better, who have gone through the mental battles, mimicking them, looking at how they respond to things and being like, “The big boys do not sit and cry about it. The big boys figure it out and ask questions.” They are transparent and vulnerable to say, “I do not know how to do this. I’m going to find somebody who can help me.”

Being in that space with them, no way did I ever think that that was going to be me because I also did now think that I was going to be a business owner. Being in that was also like, “This is how it is done. I got it.” When you said, Aaron, about fear, you act on it anyway, despite the fear. I want to make a distinction too about fear. There is a fear of, “What are they going to think of me?” There is a fear of, “I better not get too close to that bus and supposed to run me over.”

There are two different body responses. We physiologically know the difference between, I do not want to get judged fear versus there is a machete coming from my neck fear. When it is the judgment fear? That is when you have to push through in because fear is never going away. The fear will not disappear no matter how far you get in business, relationship, health, whatever. It is not going to go anywhere. It will keep coming. You got to keep remembering, “That is here again. I’m about to bust through it again.” Let it be a response that you do. You feel it, hate it and brush through it anyway and now you are over it.

That is such a good distinction to be able to recognize that consciously. To consciously know like, “I’m fearful of being judged.” Do it. Throughout this journey that you have been on. It is amazing. It is so awesome to hear. It is always hard to look forward and project what is going to happen where you can never know. You could never have known you were going to be able to Tony Robbins. I could have never have known I would be moving from Asia to Europe. You would never know these things.

Life happens and you have to pivot, respond and do your thing but you can look back and connect the dots and realize, “That hardship there, that was the lesson that made me pivot to there. I did that thing and I met that person. I learned that and I pivoted over there. I did this.” You can connect it all the way to your present-day.

If you have the presence to look back, connect those dots and be grateful for the person who got you where you are now. Be grateful for that person who got through that hard time, pivoted, went to the next space, made that hard decision and hunkered down for six months, learning a new skill, be grateful for that person who got you to that next spot. That person who decided to get you here, the person who had the courage to stand on that stage that day, I’m grateful for you. Thank you for that. You got space now.

GPA 56 | Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship: Nobody’s the best. There’s always going to be somebody moving into the better spot and getting kicked out every second and every moment.

I feel like if you can quiet your mind and look backward on your timeline, connect those dots and bring them into your present moment. You look forward to where you want to create, create new dots and focus on them. If you can put yourself energetically there, as one of my mentors says all the time, “Be it before you see it.”

You be it before you see it in the timeline, go out and feel the feeling like, “What do I feel?” You are feeling it energetically. Bring yourself back and go back on the timeline, gratitude forward, back and forth. When you move down that timeline later, you will be able to keep it versus it surprise you and it slips through your fingers because that happens to a lot of people and to me. When you find success and you are like, “Yeah.” The ego kicks in. You did not see it coming. All of a sudden, you are the king and all of a sudden, you are not. It slips right through your fingers.

If you can prepare yourself in advance by doing this timeline exercise, that is a massive help. That has been one of the a-ha moments over the last few years. For me, the big transformation was gratitude looking backward. Those are huge ones because I always saw like, “Why did that happen to me? I was doing well.” I’m angry about it. I flipped it completely. I’m grateful for it. It is a lesson and gold.

I’m so happy that happened because I learned and I had to pivot. Now thank you for that pivot because this happened. When you are looking back on your timeline or where you are now, do you have a transformation or a change that you maybe did not see coming that you now can recognize in yourself, maybe a personality trait something emotionally or energetically that is different in you that you could have never projected?

We talked about Bob Proctor entering into space, enter into my ether. I’m like, “This is what I talk about. What is this nonsense?” This nonsense is amazing. It is not nonsense at all. I was going through the transition of that. I have always been a default grateful person. I can always find joy in things. I have been called Poppy from Trolls. I do not know if they are calling me a troll or calling me happy but that is what I guess sometimes. That bad thing had to happen. It had to because it did. It had to happen because that is how our world works.

I do believe that everything that is bad has some good out of it. There is always good coming out of the bad. If it had to happen and there is always good, I’m grateful that it happened. I have had plenty of my own trauma, sickness, loss, heartache financial ruin. I have had all of it. I can still find good in it and I can still be grateful for it.

When I decided that it had to happen for this to happen, anything could happen and I could be okay. I know that by saying that in myself is like, “Oh my gosh.” Your worst fear of losing certain people in your life, dying or whatever. If I believe that through, I believe that if that happened something good would come. I have a lot of peace by knowing that.

I like what you say, “If you can look back, be generous and grateful for yourself along the way.” If I look back at myself, when I was under ten years old and I was in a moment where I was feeling afraid, embarrassed, sad, confused, unsure, unqualified, rejected, I’m grateful for that little girl for trying again. I wish I could go back there and say, “It is going to be okay. “You are going to do it and you are going to get stronger. It had to happen because your skin would not be thick enough to do this big stuff that is going to be awesome.

It was reflecting back on moments like that and imagining my future self looking at me now, being scared about something and being like, “It is okay little lady. You are going to be old and gray. This is all going to be water under the bridge.” I want to be able to look forward to that future, Sandra and come back and be like, “We got this. It had to happen and you can be grateful before it happens.”

Sandra, it has been an absolute pleasure chatting with you. I’m happy for everything you are doing. It is cool. I look forward to seeing you on stage at some points, kicking butt up there and delivering some heavy value to the folks, which is cool. For the readers who would like to check you out, see where you are at, follow you, get to know you better, where can they find you?

I’m on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. You can honestly google Sandra Haseley. If you google that, you will find me on my business page on Facebook. My personal page is public. On LinkedIn and Instagram, you can find all my stuff there. My groups are listed within my profile. I love connecting with people and relationship building. This is gold. We connected together in that group. I was like, “He seems like he is doing awesome stuff and a great guy.” Now that I happen to meet you, it is like, “I know I’m right.” People are worth investing your time into. This is great. Feel free to connect with me. I love getting to know new people.

Thank you so much for being on the show. We’ll see you inside the KBB group.

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About Sandra Haseley

𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨, 𝙗𝙞𝙜-𝙫𝙞𝙗𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙨 𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙧 & 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙟𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚

Corporate coaching, marketing strategy, organic sales strategy, development, closing, speaking. clarity in communication, negotiation, team management, time management, efficiencies

Systems & Procedures
Protocol development
System scheduler management
Employee management
